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Amcor and AVON launch recyclable refill pouch in China
Amcor and AVON launch recyclable refill pouch in China... View More>>
Why does PLA+PBAT become the main raw materials for biodegradable bags?
Itchen Packaging provides high quality biodegradable bags, biodegradable and compostable. Explore with us!... View More>>
Digital printing and gravure printing, which one is better?
Innovative packaging solutions | Itchen Packaging... View More>>
How are plastic bags produced?
Innovative packaging solutions | Itchen Packaging... View More>>
What is the material of plastic bags for food?
Innovative packaging solutions | Itchen Packaging... View More>>
What is a composite packaging?
Innovative packaging solutions | Itchen Packaging... View More>>
The Chinese Pet Food Industry Leader Gambol Pet Goes Public Successfully
Backed by Legend Capital, the Chinese Pet Food Industry Leader Gambol Pet Goes Public Successfully... View More>>
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